News in Cargo spaces Anna Melounová | 7. فبراير 2021

Working with cargo spaces is much easier now, thanks to a new EasyCargo load planning software update. What have we improved?

You can add the most frequently used spaces to your favorites and have them in the Cargo spaces list right at the beginning. Also, all pre-prepared spaces are always available, and there is no need to add them from a special list.


How much can you save with EasyCargo? Anna Melounová | 18. يناير 2021

When considering buying software, the main question we ask ourselves is whether the investment will pay off. Since we want to make this decision as easy as possible for you, we decided to create a savings calculator.



عليك أن تنقر فقط ست مرات بالضبط لشراء مفتاح التفعيل لتعديل الشحن بأسلوب مناسب في متجر EasyCargo الإلكتروني. وأسلوب الشراء الجديد أسرع مما كان قبل ذلك وهو كذلك مناسب للعملاء الذين لا يستطيعون الشراء عن طريق تطبيق EasyCargo مباشرة لسبب من أسباب.

من الممكن أن تطلب مفتاح التفعيل لكل أنواع الرخص الثلاثة – تذكرة 24 ساعة، رخصة شهرية ورخصة سنوية. ومن الممكن شراء التذاكر فقط بعشرات (10 تذاكر، 20 تذكرة، 30، 40...). وإذا كنت في حاجة إلى عدد مختلف فمن الممكن أن تطلبه عن الطريق القديم عن طريق تطبيق EasyCargo أو راسلنا. ولا تنسى أن العدد الأدنى ينبغي أن يكون 10 تذاكر دائما.


Handbook for EasyCargo loading calculator Anna Melounová | 4. سبتمبر 2020

Have you watched all of our tutorial videos and still feel that you can get more out of EasyCargo? Or are you not interested in videos, and you would rather have a written cargo guide at hand? Then please refer to our brand new guide.



Database of Cargo Items Anna Melounová | 7. يوليو 2020

The EasyCargo truck and container load planning software is enhanced with a new and very important functionality that allows you to import frequently used items into the application. With this feature, you can easily add them to the load plan. These items can be managed under the new Cargo items tab.



EasyCargo for Schools Anna Melounová | 20. مارس 2020

Container and truck loading software EasyCargo announces new program for schools and universities!

We’ve been seeing interest in our truck load planner from schools for quite some time now. However, we've always dealt with this individually. In the last couple of months, the demand has increased so much that we put our heads together and came up with a new offer that is tailor-made for schools and universities.


The load plan export to MS Excel is here Anna Melounová | 17. فبراير 2020

The sixth most wanted functionality is out!

The newest version of EasyCargo allows you to export your load plans to Excel. How to do it? Simply load the items, create a Print report or Public Link to the load plan and click on the 'Export to Excel' icon in the Shipments & Reports tab.
