Manual load plan adjustments Anna Melounová | 10. أغسطس 2016

One of the most wanted features, based on our users’ feedback, is the possibility to manually adjust placement and rotation of the boxes in the final load plan. We are happy to announce that this functionality is now available for all EasyCargo users.

How to make a manual load plan adjustment in 3 steps?


Fully localized in German, Portuguese and Hungarian Anna Melounová | 7. يونيو 2016

Now you can use EasyCargo in all of these languages. Select the language on your user tab in the upper right corner of the EasyCargo app.

Learn more with German tutorial videos. Simply showcase EasyCargo to your co-workers, customers or vendors with the German introduction or Portuguese introduction video. We also have introduction videos in English, French, Spanish, and Czech available. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, where you can find the latest updates on the development of EasyCargo, such as “manual load editing,” which will be ready soon.


Faster public load plans and improved import Anna Melounová | 29. ديسمبر 2015

At the end of the year, we released the latest version of EasyCargo. Many internal improvements have been carried out for an upcoming functionality, which will be presented in 2016. However, you can already experience the quicker opening of online public load plans (see the picture and link below). Imports from Excel sheets have also been improved. Now you can set the app to skip all rows with zero items so that you can use the Excel sheet template as a product database.

See the live 3D load plan right here in your browser.


The EasyCargo online load planning app placed 2nd in the UPC Ignite Your Business competition and we’d like to say thank you for your support. The best way to enjoy this great moment is to share our 2nd spot. For the next two weeks, you can purchase EasyCargo licenses discounted at 22 %.

Why are we flattered by the award? UPC Ignite is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs with real visions and business plans and potential to succeed in international markets. The jury paid attention to economic facts that were presented in the project pitch on Innovation day 2015 in Prague.


ثلاث خطوات فقط لتقديم الطلب Anna Melounová | 23. سبتمبر 2015

من الممكن شراء الرخصة أو مدها بأسلوبين: عن طريق المتجر الإلكتروني أو مباشرة في تطبيق EasyCargo.

من الممكن أن تطلب مفتاح التفعيل لكل أنواع الرخص الثلاثة – تذكرة 24 ساعة، رخصة شهرية ورخصة سنوية. ومن الممكن شراء التذاكر فقط بعشرات (10 تذاكر، 20 تذكرة، 30، 40...). وإذا كنت في حاجة إلى عدد مختلف فمن الممكن أن تطلبه عن الطريق القديم عن طريق تطبيق EasyCargo (انظر إلى أدناه) أو راسلنا. ولا تنسى أن العدد الأدنى ينبغي أن يكون 10 تذاكر دائما.


Free Cubebot robots giveaway Anna Melounová | 18. أغسطس 2015

EasyCargo is on Facebook now, looking for fans. If you will “like” the EasyCargo App Facebook Page, you could be the lucky winner of a Cubebot.

On September 1st, 2015, we will randomly select 3 of our Facebook page fans. We will list the names of the winners in the comment and contact them for their mailing address. They will receive one of these cute little Cubebots for free.
