Release 2nd December 2019 (19-11-18) 3. ديسمبر 2019


  • Weight distribution buttons can be clicked now again to hide shown weight distribution arrows. Helpfull to have top/left/right load plan views without weight distribution arrows.
  • API documentation extended with information about the limits of the input values
  • API new function to  create new users within the company


  • Cargo spaces list scrolls automatically to cargo space used in the loading plan that was just opened.
  • Public link (share) icon in load planning environment updated to follow standard visuals.
  • Users tab – assigning/removing license to/from the user can be done also in the User edit form now.
  • Order license – Contact email address field accepts more recipients separated by a semicolon. Useful e.g. for adding an accounting department email address.
  • Invoices with EU trade space are now correctly marked with the note regarding the reverse charge.
  • A friendly reminder is now shown to the users when the weight distribution numbers are presented on load plan visualization. Even the best effort is done to provide a precise calculation of weight distribution, still, it is only the mathematical simulation.


  • Truck-tractor (prime mover, traction unit or rig) correctly highlighted in the cargo space list, when opened loading plan with a semitrailer with tractor connected.
  • Random reordering of cargo items in the input list after opening/closing Cargo Item editor happens no more.
  • The print icon was enabled for no reason when different cargo space was selected. This happens no more.
  • Free meters are calculated correctly when the “Shift to mass centre” is activated.


Release 23rd September 2019 (19-09-10) 24. سبتمبر 2019

New + Improved

  • We have added five new cargo space types in the EasyCargo application, namely:
    • Semitrailer 2 and 3 axles
    • Flatbed 1, 2 and 3 axles
    • Truck 3 axles
  • Cancelled orders now are hidden by default in list Company orders and invoices on tab Licences


  • Shipments and Reports – Import from Excel: In case blank spaces are accidentally entered in input values they are still processed correctly (i.e space before and after the valid value ” N/Y “). Previously it didn’t recognize the value and used the default setting instead.
  • Shipments and Reports – Import from Excel: From now on is not possible import item with a number of pieces less than 0 in the Excel import sheet.
  • When you open a shipment consisting of a semitrailer and a truck, it opens correctly including the truck. Previously, only the semitrailer was displayed.
  • Opening shipment according to specified steps led to the displaying one item from the previous shipment. Now this problem is fixed.
  • CargoSpaces panel – When switched to another semitrailer, a truck icon is now highlighted properly.
  • The public shipment opens in the measurement system specified in the shipment.
  • GetFreePromoTicket link shows now easy to understand the error message.