Supply chains are essential to guarantee the smooth flow of goods from producers to consumers in the modern, globalized world. But there are many problems with this intricate network of procedures, like fraud, counterfeiting, and lack of transparency. These difficulties not only affect companies but also customers who depend on the reliability of the goods they buy. Blockchain technology has come to light as a potent remedy for these problems, providing unprecedented supply chain security and transparency.



A la primera part parlem de les característiques que ofereix cada aplicació per a la càrrega de camions i contenidors, i a la segona tractem sobre l'experiència que espera a l'usuari en utilitzar aquests programes. Avui veurem els preus de les aplicacions i preguntarem si tenen una versió de prova gratuïta disponible o si la versió de prova té alguna limitació.



Changes left by the COVID-19 pandemic in the TSL sector Martina Krupičková | 31. oct. 2023

The pandemic has put many industries to a great test. Therefore, today we would like to focus on the changes that the coronavirus has left in the Transport, Shipping, and Logistics (TSL) industry, without which nothing moves. We hope that this post will be helpful to you and give you something to think about. Enjoy reading!



A la primera part, hem parlat sobre les funcions que ofereixen les aplicacions individuals per carregar camions i contenidors. Avui avaluarem la facilitat d’ús, la qualitat del càlcul i veurem si els programes tenen versió mòbil i si estan en línia. Si esteu més interessats en els preus de les aplicacions, podeu passar a la tercera part de la nostra minisèrie.



A vital and dynamic part of international trade and logistics is the maritime industry. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, over 11 billion tons of cargo are being shipped each year. Considering the current population of the world, this translates to an incredible 1.5 tons per person.



A principis d'aquest any, vaig començar a treballar a EasyCargo, en el desenvolupament de negoci. Una de les meves tasques és trobar nous socis per a la cooperació i identificar àrees en què puguem trobar nous clients. Per poder fer aquesta feina, considero crucial conèixer les fortaleses i debilitats del producte i saber com es comporta en comparació amb la competència.



The threat of unanticipated events and disasters is becoming more and more real in today's unstable and linked business environment. For organizations of all kinds, especially those in the logistics industry, being able to successfully handle these challenges—whether they come in the form of a natural disaster, a worldwide epidemic, a cyberattack, or an interruption to the supply chain—is more than simply a useful talent. 

