Working with loaded cargo spaces just got smoother and more intuitive. Our latest updates bring instant weight recalculation, direct box renaming, flexible drag-and-drop movements, and dynamic group management. This is all in real-time as you work within the cargo space.

We've introduced new capabilities for item reorganizing and managing priority groups with automatic color-coding and numbering.


In the latest version of EasyCargo, we’ve introduced two exciting changes for manual loading. First, you can start loading manually right from the beginning, without using the automated calculations. Second, you can choose whether items will automatically rotate and snap to each other or be placed freely during the manual loading process.



Multi-pickup: handle multiple items at once Martina Krupičková | 11. juny 2024

We have further improvements to EasyCargo that will make your work even easier and faster. It's no news that in EasyCargo, you have the option to manually adjust individual items within the load planning process. You can move items from place to place, rotate them, or remove them from the load planning compartment. 



Personalize your mouse speed and zooming Martina Krupičková | 27. maig 2024

Do you use a MacBook or touchpad to work with EasyCargo? Then this new functionality will make your work much more enjoyable. In the EasyCargo app, you can view your 3D load planning from all sides, zoom in, and manipulate individual items at your will. If you have used this feature, you probably know that the controls used to be very sensitive on some platforms and it was not always easy to get the exact view you needed.

That's why we've added the ability to adjust the zoom speed and mouse movement speed. This allows each user to customize the controls exactly as they see fit.


Add your company logo to your print reports Martina Krupičková | 2. nov. 2023

If you send your loading documents to other business partners, then you'll find the new functionality we've added to the software useful. You can now add your company logo to your reports and make your documents become company materials.

To insert your logo, you need to edit your company profile. You can get there via the profile tab located in the top right corner.


New functionality: automatic archiving of shipments Martina Krupičková | 9. març 2023

We've added new functionality to the EasyCargo load planning software that allows you to automatically archive all of your shipments and it will come in handy if you have hundreds of them in the Shipments and Reports tab that you can't keep track of anymore.

Therefore, you can access your Shipments Archive via the Shipments and Reports tab. You will find the button at the bottom of the table behind the Import of shipment and Show Autosaved Shipments options.


Guia d’ús d’API d’EasyCargo (part 2) Bartosz Ziółkowski | 22. jul. 2022

Com va ser esmentat a la primera part de l'article, avui ens aproparem a l'API d'EasyCargo més per la part pràctica. Per a aquesta ocasió, utilitzarem el nostre client API. També provarem l'operació de l'API usant l'eina online ReqBin. El qual permet la comunicació amb un servidor WWW, des d'on podem descarregar dades d'interès de la nostra calculadora de càrrega als contenidors i camions EasyCargo. Provar l'API és una cosa, però a la vida real, és possible que utilitzeu un plugin de Java per al teu programari o Javascript per fer trucades des de SAP. Una altra opció pot ser la Plataforma Make, però això juntament amb altres casos d'ús d'API en casos reals ho abordarem al següent article d'aquesta sèrie.



Com carregar un palet Anna Melounová | 25. maig 2022

Tenim potser la notícia més gran de l'any en la planificació de la càrrega per a vostè: EasyCargo pot carregar en palets. I no només això, sinó que hem desenvolupat un algorisme especial per fer-ho. En carregar els mateixos tipus d'articles, treballeu amb les especificitats de la càrrega sobre palets i aconseguiu aprofitar al màxim l'espai mantenint la càrrega estable. Descriurem amb més detall el que això significa a la pràctica.

