Release 16th March 2023
- Button for quick access to our knowledge base / help has been added next to the User Profile Tab
- Added Help button for Excel import
- Card Payments – if payment fails, much more detailed information about the issue from a payment gateway is shown
- Cargo Item Templates
- Default Name filter has been changed to ‚Contains‘ instead of ‚Starts with‘
- When importing multiple items with same Name by accident, proper error information is shown for each item
- When import of an item fails because of wrong weight in relation to the piece count, better error info is shown
- When importing ‚indivisible‘ weight/piece count relation, the result weight is now being rounded
- Improved layout of Successful Registration page
- Shipment import – items with error are now highlighted red
- API – Names of system Cargo Spaces are now correctly localized
- Passwords can now contain characters ‚<‚ and ‚>‘
Veröffentlicht am 20. März 2023