Rising Costs of Freight Shipping Anna Melounová | 4. Juil 2022

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic back in 2020, there has been a huge rise in shipping costs. This rising cost of shipping affects everyone around the world and makes it harder to get products. These rising shipping costs can be seen affecting many around the world in more ways than one, often in ways people are not even aware of. In today’s blog, these issues are going to be discussed and what it means for the world. Enjoy reading!


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The Future of 5G Will Make Trucking Autonomous Anna Melounová | 2. Juin 2022

Assuming you are staying tuned with some of the newest technological advances, then you most likely have heard of the push to 5th Generation wireless internet access which is more commonly known as 5G. The majority of the newest popular smartphones and tablets have 5G capability built right in which allows them to reach download speeds of up to 10 gigabytes a second. To put this into perspective, this means you can go from downloading a movie that would normally take ten minutes or longer to download using Wi-Fi or 4G LTE, to downloading it in a matter of seconds when using 5G. 


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4 000 voitures de luxe au fond de l’océan Matthew Vinciguerra | 19. Avr 2022

Le 16 février 2022, le Felicity Ace, un cargo transportant 4 000 voitures de luxe, a coulé au fond de l'océan Atlantique. Le Felicity Ace faisait route vers les États-Unis depuis l'Allemagne, transportant environ 4 000 véhicules principalement du groupe Volkswagen lorsqu'il a pris feu. Le Felicity Ace était en train d'être remorqué vers la côte après avoir été pris dans une mer agitée à environ 250 miles des côtes des îles portugaises. Rapidement, le navire a commencé à prendre l'eau et à s'enfoncer dans des eaux profondes de 3 km. Heureusement, personne n'a été tué dans cette tragédie, les 22 membres d'équipage à bord ayant été sauvés. Quant aux quelque 4 000 véhicules de luxe qui se trouvaient à bord, ils ont tous été emportés par la mer.


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Future trends in logistics Anna Melounová | 15. Fév 2022

It is a well-known fact that the branch of logistics is developing at an electrifying pace. Many specialists create reports and forecasts on the future of logistics. In today's article, we will take a look at the trends that are often mentioned among those that will lead the TSL sector in the near future. We will focus here on trends where the common denominator is mainly IT systems.


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La présence généralisée de l'intelligence artificielle (IA) dans un avenir proche est déjà inévitable. Même la pandémie de coronavirus a contribué au développement de l'IA. Nous sommes probablement nombreux à nous demander s'il n'est pas grand temps d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences qu'un robot ne pourra pas remplacer.


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Shipping container shortage 2021 Anna Melounová | 19. Oct 2021

The health crisis produced by COVID-19 has changed the world, our economies and habits. Among the most affected sectors are international trade and cargo and container transport.


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In the first part, we discussed the functions that individual container and truck loading applications offer. In the second part, we talked about the experience that awaits the user when using these programs. Today, we will look at the prices of individual software, see if they have a free trial available, and if such a trial version has any limitations. If you are more interested in the final results; you can skip to the last part of our mini-series.


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