BVV Transport and Logistics Anna Melounová | 12. nov 2019

After an excellent previous experience, we participated in the International Engineering Fair, the largest industrial fair in Central Europe, yet again.

We had a great success among schools. Students tried our “Load Your Container” game, and teachers liked our demonstration of what our app can do.


Gyakran kérdezik, hogy az EasyCargo képes-e a rakomány tervezésére a súlyelosztás figyelembevételével. Válaszunk igen, sőt az eredmények javított megjelenítésével!

Elegendő a jobb panelen kiválasztani, milyen terhelést szeretne látni. Zöld nyilak jelennek meg, melyek a terhelés nagyságát jelzik - amennyiben az egérrel feléjük viszi a kurzort, három érték jelenik meg: a maximális lehetséges terhelés, az aktuális rakomány terhelése és a raktér terhelése üres állapotában (minimális terhelés).


Transport Logistic 2019 Anna Melounová | 15. júl 2019

At the beginning of June, we participated in the most extensive logistics fair in the world - Transport Logistic 2019 in Munich. Since the only experience we had so far was with smaller fairs, we were curious about what to expect. The exhibition grounds surprised us not only by the size of the pavilions but also by the number of visitors who stopped by at our stand.

The main topics were the trade war between the US and China, the lack of drivers, but also the New Silk Road, and of course, artificial intelligence in logistics.


Logistik & Transport Fair 2018 Anna Melounová | 9. nov 2018

We have some beautiful memories of the Logistik & Transport fair in Göthenburg, Sweden. Many thanks to Svenska Mässan for the excellent organization and, of course, to those who came to see us there!

It was great fun presenting our product in Sweden and we are looking forward to the next exhibition which will take place from June 4th to June 7th, 2019 at Transport Logistics in Munich, Germany. (So, put your Lederhosen on and spend a beautiful day at Messe München!)


Thanks for giving us a full load! ;) Anna Melounová | 11. dec 2017

Thanks for giving us a full load during the International Engineering Fair in Brno, where our company was present for the first time. We had many opportunities to seek new partners and to spend a lot of time talking with our existing customers to get feedback on EasyCargo.

We were pleased to receive so many positive reactions – you were very kind! However, it was also essential for us to learn about areas where EasyCargo could perform even better – we recorded all your comments and suggestions and are already working on improving our app. You can look forward to new functions that will make using our software even more comfortable. Don’t forget to follow us on our Facebook page to be the first to hear about upcoming news and events!


In July, we deployed a vital EasyCargo release. Thanks to this update, the application has improved stability and offers much smoother performance. It's noticeably faster in processing the calculations and opening saved shipments. As a result, the responsiveness in the manual load plan editor is improved. On top of that, EasyCargo now runs on https:// secure protocol used e.g. for online banking.

Although it took quite long to deliver this update; we know it'll be important for the future development of other functionalities, which will be delivered in the upcoming months.


Manual load plan adjustments Anna Melounová | 10. aug 2016

One of the most wanted features, based on our users’ feedback, is the possibility to manually adjust placement and rotation of the boxes in the final load plan. We are happy to announce that this functionality is now available for all EasyCargo users.

How to make a manual load plan adjustment in 3 steps?


Now you can use EasyCargo in all of these languages. Select the language on your user tab in the upper right corner of the EasyCargo app.

Learn more with German tutorial videos. Simply showcase EasyCargo to your co-workers, customers or vendors with the German introduction or Portuguese introduction video. We also have introduction videos in English, French, Spanish, and Czech available. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, where you can find the latest updates on the development of EasyCargo, such as “manual load editing,” which will be ready soon.
