Release 7th April 2020 7. ápr 2020


  • Step by Step Load Plan – users are able to view a loading sequence of cargo items for any new or existing shipment. It can be viewed interactively in the application and also exported as a report. More in Journal post.
  • Export to PDF – step by step load plan report can be also saved as PDF including all the images.
  • All of the functionality is also available through a public link to the shipment.


  • Dialogue for selecting measurement units on first login – fixed cropping of the text of some long localizations (Deutsch)

Release 30th January 2020 (19-12-20) 21. febr 2020


  • Export to Excel – from now on, any Print Report can be exported into .xlsx file. The exported file contains all the load plan information and images and can be also imported back into EasyCargo.


  • Order form got 2 new icons for easier differentiation between Period and User count when ordering a license.


  • Incorrect password count is now being reset after each successful user login. Before the attempts just accumulated, so after some time, when the user entered the 5th wrong password, he was immediately blocked for five minutes.
  • API users now get correct error information when they try to create a user which email address is already registered.
  • Information about the active License period on the User Profile tab was fixed to not show negative day values, which happened in some cases.

Release 2nd December 2019 (19-11-18) 3. dec 2019


  • Weight distribution buttons can be clicked now again to hide shown weight distribution arrows. Helpfull to have top/left/right load plan views without weight distribution arrows.
  • API documentation extended with information about the limits of the input values
  • API new function to  create new users within the company


  • Cargo spaces list scrolls automatically to cargo space used in the loading plan that was just opened.
  • Public link (share) icon in load planning environment updated to follow standard visuals.
  • Users tab – assigning/removing license to/from the user can be done also in the User edit form now.
  • Order license – Contact email address field accepts more recipients separated by a semicolon. Useful e.g. for adding an accounting department email address.
  • Invoices with EU trade space are now correctly marked with the note regarding the reverse charge.
  • A friendly reminder is now shown to the users when the weight distribution numbers are presented on load plan visualization. Even the best effort is done to provide a precise calculation of weight distribution, still, it is only the mathematical simulation.


  • Truck-tractor (prime mover, traction unit or rig) correctly highlighted in the cargo space list, when opened loading plan with a semitrailer with tractor connected.
  • Random reordering of cargo items in the input list after opening/closing Cargo Item editor happens no more.
  • The print icon was enabled for no reason when different cargo space was selected. This happens no more.
  • Free meters are calculated correctly when the “Shift to mass centre” is activated.


Release 23rd September 2019 (19-09-10) 24. szept 2019

New + Improved

  • We have added five new cargo space types in the EasyCargo application, namely:
    • Semitrailer 2 and 3 axles
    • Flatbed 1, 2 and 3 axles
    • Truck 3 axles
  • Cancelled orders now are hidden by default in list Company orders and invoices on tab Licences


  • Shipments and Reports – Import from Excel: In case blank spaces are accidentally entered in input values they are still processed correctly (i.e space before and after the valid value ” N/Y „). Previously it didn’t recognize the value and used the default setting instead.
  • Shipments and Reports – Import from Excel: From now on is not possible import item with a number of pieces less than 0 in the Excel import sheet.
  • When you open a shipment consisting of a semitrailer and a truck, it opens correctly including the truck. Previously, only the semitrailer was displayed.
  • Opening shipment according to specified steps led to the displaying one item from the previous shipment. Now this problem is fixed.
  • CargoSpaces panel – When switched to another semitrailer, a truck icon is now highlighted properly.
  • The public shipment opens in the measurement system specified in the shipment.
  • GetFreePromoTicket link shows now easy to understand the error message.