Release 2nd December 2019 (19-11-18)
- Weight distribution buttons can be clicked now again to hide shown weight distribution arrows. Helpfull to have top/left/right load plan views without weight distribution arrows.
- API documentation extended with information about the limits of the input values
- API new function to create new users within the company
- Cargo spaces list scrolls automatically to cargo space used in the loading plan that was just opened.
- Public link (share) icon in load planning environment updated to follow standard visuals.
- Users tab – assigning/removing license to/from the user can be done also in the User edit form now.
- Order license – Contact email address field accepts more recipients separated by a semicolon. Useful e.g. for adding an accounting department email address.
- Invoices with EU trade space are now correctly marked with the note regarding the reverse charge.
- A friendly reminder is now shown to the users when the weight distribution numbers are presented on load plan visualization. Even the best effort is done to provide a precise calculation of weight distribution, still, it is only the mathematical simulation.
- Truck-tractor (prime mover, traction unit or rig) correctly highlighted in the cargo space list, when opened loading plan with a semitrailer with tractor connected.
- Random reordering of cargo items in the input list after opening/closing Cargo Item editor happens no more.
- The print icon was enabled for no reason when different cargo space was selected. This happens no more.
- Free meters are calculated correctly when the “Shift to mass centre” is activated.
Pubblicato il 3. Dic 2019