How will AI shape the future of logistics and transport? Martina Krupičková | 31. Gen 2023

Technologies and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are constantly evolving and the world of logistics and transport is no different. As the industry adapts to new technologies, there is already newer and more modern ones.

The development of technologies, especially AI, is unbelievably fast and it doesn’t look like it will slow down any time soon. This being said, can robots and artificial intelligence fully replace human workers in companies?

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Automation is the future of logistics. Nearly all experts agree with that. In the future, the trucks will probably be driving themselves and transport will be way more environmentally friendly than it is today. However, automation is not only robots and AI (artificial intelligence). A huge part of automation is also software solutions. In the past few years, the trend of using load-planning applications is on the rise in many transport companies. Is using these applications worth it and how will it help improve logistics?


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Pros and Cons of road transport Martina Krupičková | 16. Gen 2023

Road transportation is, for many businesses and suppliers, still the most beneficial means of transporting goods. Thousands of trucks loaded with full shipping containers are on their way driving to their final location every day. What are the benefits of road transport and when does it not have to be the most subservient way of freight shipping?


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In the past few years, the world has faced one of the greatest challenges in modern history. A challenge so unusual, it has affected all of us and essentially paralyzed the whole world. Not long after the Covid–19 pandemic had passed, the world started to get back to normal, but then another strike came. The Russian–Ukranian war affects almost every aspect of our lives, transport and logistics included.


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Guida EasyCargo API (Volume 2) Martina Krupičková | 6. Gen 2023

Come abbiamo accennato nella prima parte di questo articolo, oggi daremo uno sguardo più pratico al EasyCargo API. A tale scopo utilizzeremo il nostro client API. Verrà inoltre testata l'API utilizzando lo strumento online  ReqBin. Questo ci permette di comunicare con un server WWW che ci consente di scaricare i dati che ci interessano dal nostro software di pianificazione del caricamento EasyCargo.


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