Partnership con IncoDocs e Import Export Podcast Anna Melounová | 13. Gen 2022

Siamo felici di poter annunciare la partnership ufficiale con IncoDocs, uno strumento pratico per una completa gestione di documenti. Con esso potrai generare facilmente fatture, packing list, polizze di carico, Import Security Filing (ISF), certificati di origine, verifiche del peso lordo dei container (VGM) e molti altri. Se vuoi ottenere uno sconto per il software oppure ascoltare il podcast su come il software di pianificazione del carico dei container può esserti utile contro il continuo aumento dei costi di spedizione, vai avanti nella lettura!


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Come creare il piano di un carico eccezionale? Anna Melounová | 24. Nov 2021

Crea i piani per carichi eccezionali direttamente in EasyCargo. Sì, hai sentito bene! Nel nostro software di ottimizzazione del carico adesso è possibile impostare sporgenze oppure diminuire la superficie del vano di carico in pochi clic. 

La sporgenza del veicolo o il caricamento sporgente è quella parte del carico che sporge oltre le ruote anteriori o posteriori del veicolo, oltre la sagoma dei laterali o dei paraurti anteriore o posteriore, se il veicolo ne è dotato.

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Will AI take away your logistics jobs? Anna Melounová | 18. Nov 2021

The widespread presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the near future is already inevitable. Even the coronavirus pandemic has contributed to the development of AI. Probably quite a few of us are wondering if maybe it's high time to get some new skills that a robot can't replace.

Fun fact: At you can check the approximate % chance of automation of your chosen profession, i.e. the probability of being taken over by robots. For example, for Customer Service employees it is 87%. The United States leaves the competition far behind because it is home to the largest number of AI-related startups.

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Shipping container shortage 2021 Anna Melounová | 19. Ott 2021

The health crisis produced by COVID-19 has changed the world, our economies and habits. Among the most affected sectors are international trade and cargo and container transport.

At present it is common not to find some products in stores, almost all industries have problems of shortage of supplies that are attributed to the pandemic. Some sources even claim that there will be a shortage of Christmas goods and that buying gifts will be more expensive this year. Behind all this, there is a problem of shortage of containers worldwide.

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There are several ways to view the final load plan in EasyCargo, from simply sharing the plan via a link to creating complex print reports. In this article, we will look at all types of load plan results and discuss their functions in more detail.

The most important, and probably the most prominent part of the application, is the interactive 3D view of the load. It’s a simulation in which you can view all the items placed in the trailer or container.

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