The sixth most requested feature is out now!

The newest version of EasyCargo allows you to export your load plans to Excel. How do you do it? Simply load your items, create a Print report or a Public Link to the load plan, and click the ‘Export to Excel‘ icon in the Shipments & Reports tab.

We’ve created a short video that explains the entire export process for you:


EasyCargo truck load planning application

Not everyone knows that the ability to import items from Excel has been a huge part of the EasyCargo app for a while now. Watch the following video that reminds you how it works:


Of course, shipments exported to Excel can be imported back into EasyCargo. This may be useful if you want to save space on your computer by archiving any loading documents or so you can share them with colleagues for further editing. For a preview of the shipment itself, sharing a Public Link to the calculated load plan will be sufficient.

Be sure to check out our Release Notes or visit our Facebook page from time to time to learn more about the EasyCargo load planning application.

If you need help creating the export file, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support team.

Anna Melounová | Publicat 17. 02. 2020