In the latest version of EasyCargo, we’ve introduced two exciting changes for manual loading. First, you can start loading manually right from the beginning, without using the automated calculations. Second, you can choose whether items will automatically rotate and snap to each other or be placed freely during the manual loading process.



Multi-pickup: handle multiple items at once Martina Krupičková | 11. jun 2024

We have further improvements to EasyCargo that will make your work even easier and faster. It's no news that in EasyCargo, you have the option to manually adjust individual items within the load planning process. You can move items from place to place, rotate them, or remove them from the load planning compartment. 

Until now, you could only manipulate one item at a time. So if you wanted to move, for example, an entire column of cargo to another location, you had to move each item one by one. This is a bit impractical, don't you think? That's why we created a new feature: multi-pickup. With this feature, you can now move entire columns or even sets of boxes. How does multi-pickup work?


Personalize your mouse speed and zooming Martina Krupičková | 27. maj 2024

Do you use a MacBook or touchpad to work with EasyCargo? Then this new functionality will make your work much more enjoyable. In the EasyCargo app, you can view your 3D load planning from all sides, zoom in, and manipulate individual items at your will. If you have used this feature, you probably know that the controls used to be very sensitive on some platforms and it was not always easy to get the exact view you needed.

That's why we've added the ability to adjust the zoom speed and mouse movement speed. This allows each user to customize the controls exactly as they see fit.


See you in Perú Cargo Week! Martina Krupičková | 7. maj 2024

We are excited to announce that EasyCargo will be participating in the international freight forwarding, logistics, and foreign trade exhibition Perú Cargo Week. This is a key event of the Peruvian port logistics and foreign trade industry that will take place on May 15, 16, and 17, 2024 from 12:00 to 19:00 at the Jockey Lima - Peru exhibition center.



Add your company logo to your print reports Martina Krupičková | 2. nov 2023

If you send your loading documents to other business partners, then you'll find the new functionality we've added to the software useful. You can now add your company logo to your reports and make your documents become company materials.

To insert your logo, you need to edit your company profile. You can get there via the profile tab located in the top right corner.


Ny funktion: Automatisk arkivering av laster Martina Krupičková | 9. mar 2023

Vi har lagt till en ny funktion till  EasyCargo, mjukvaran för lastplanering som möjliggör för att automatiskt arkivera alla dina laster. Du kommer att uppskatta funktionen om du har hundratals laster på fliken Frakter & Utskrifter och det är svårt att hålla koll på dem. 

Du når alltså din Arkiv över laster på fliken Frakter & Utskrifter. Knappen hittar du nedanför tabellen efter valen Importera frakt och Visa automatiskt sparade frakter.


“Step-by-step” loading now with a legend Martina Krupičková | 14. dec 2022

From now on, you will know which items to load in which quantity and in which step. We've added a legend to the app so you can easily organize each step of the loading process. How does this improvement differ from the “step-by-step” loading report we wrote about in this article? You will find out in the next lines.

As you may already know, the “step-by-step” loading report lets you know the order in which the items are placed in the cargo hold. You can follow the loading process directly in the app using an animation. Simply create a loading procedure and click on the video icon to start the animation.


Guide till EasyCargo API (avsnitt 2.) Anna Melounová | 20. jun 2022

Som vi sa i det första avsnittet av artikeln, idag ska vi titta närmare på EasyCargo API ur en mer praktisk synvinkel. Vi kommer att använda vår API-klient till det. Vi kommer också att testa fungerandet av API med hjälp av onlineverktyget ReqBin. Det möjliggör för kommunikationen med www-servern, tack vare detta kan vi ladda ner data är av intresse för oss från vårt program för lastningsplanering EasyCargo.

Att testa är en sak, men i det verkliga livet använder du kanske en Java-plugin för din programvara eller anropning av Javascript-funktioner från SAP. Mer om den här metoden, platformen Make och fler praktiska exempel på användande av API kommer i nästa avsnitt av den här serien. 
