In today's article, we would like to draw your attention to solutions offered by several Czech startups. "Why Czech?" - you might ask. You may not know it yet, but the headquarters of our - as it well happens - startup is located in the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. As we have already mentioned more than once that we are the first to automate all kinds of processes, we will focus on solutions that are strictly applications. These programs - as you will see for yourself - computerize activities that you may still perform manually. We encourage you to read the article, and maybe the following solutions will save you time and sometimes even money.


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Technology is pushing the boundaries and disrupting the logistics industry as a whole. Due to technological advancements like the internet, everything is now at our fingertips. For example, a parcel can now be delivered within 24 hours of being ordered.


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Rising Costs of Freight Shipping Anna Melounová | 4. Jul 2022

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic back in 2020, there has been a huge rise in shipping costs. This rising cost of shipping affects everyone around the world and makes it harder to get products. These rising shipping costs can be seen affecting many around the world in more ways than one, often in ways people are not even aware of. In today’s blog, these issues are going to be discussed and what it means for the world. Enjoy reading!


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The Future of 5G Will Make Trucking Autonomous Anna Melounová | 2. Jun 2022

Assuming you are staying tuned with some of the newest technological advances, then you most likely have heard of the push to 5th Generation wireless internet access which is more commonly known as 5G. The majority of the newest popular smartphones and tablets have 5G capability built right in which allows them to reach download speeds of up to 10 gigabytes a second. To put this into perspective, this means you can go from downloading a movie that would normally take ten minutes or longer to download using Wi-Fi or 4G LTE, to downloading it in a matter of seconds when using 5G. 


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4,000 Luxury Cars at the Bottom of the Ocean Anna Melounová | 19. Apr 2022

On February 16, 2022, Felicity Ace, a cargo ship carrying 4,000 luxury cars, sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The Felicity Ace was en route to the United States from Germany, carrying approximately 4,000 primarily Volkswagen group vehicles when it caught fire. The Felicity Ace was being towed back to shore after it got caught in heavy seas about 250 miles off the coast of the Portuguese Islands. Soon, the ship started to take on water and began to sink in water 2 miles deep. Fortunately, no one was killed in this tragedy as all 22 crew members on board were rescued. As for the approximate 4,000 luxury vehicles onboard, they were all lost to the sea.


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Future trends in logistics Anna Melounová | 15. Feb 2022

It is a well-known fact that the branch of logistics is developing at an electrifying pace. Many specialists create reports and forecasts on the future of logistics. In today's article, we will take a look at the trends that are often mentioned among those that will lead the TSL sector in the near future. We will focus here on trends where the common denominator is mainly IT systems.


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Will AI take away your logistics jobs? Anna Melounová | 18. Nov 2021

The widespread presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the near future is already inevitable. Even the coronavirus pandemic has contributed to the development of AI. Probably quite a few of us are wondering if maybe it's high time to get some new skills that a robot can't replace.


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Shipping container shortage 2021 Anna Melounová | 19. Oct 2021

The health crisis produced by COVID-19 has changed the world, our economies and habits. Among the most affected sectors are international trade and cargo and container transport.


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