Container and truck loading software EasyCargo announces new program for schools and universities!

EasyCargo load planning tool

We’ve been seeing interest in our truck load planner from schools for quite some time now. However, we’ve always dealt with this individually. In the last couple of months, the demand has increased so much that we put our heads together and came up with a new offer that is tailor-made for schools and universities.

Who is the offer intended for?

The offer applies only to schools, universities, and other educational institutions. The license can be used for educational purposes only.

How does the offer differ from a regular one?

The main difference is in the length of the free trial version. If you’re a teacher/professor, we will give you a completely free license for one year. Students can try our container and truck loading software for free for 14 days.

How about the price? Does that differ, too?

Yes, our program provides better prices for all schools and educational institutions. When you buy one license, we will give you 19 more licenses with unlimited functionalities for free!

Does the program have any limitations?

You can find all the information including complete program conditions at our EasyCargo for Schools page. Make sure to have a look at it. You will find out, among others, how to get our popular Container Puzzle worth USD 59 completely for free!

Anna Melounová | Đã đăng 20. Mar 2020